About us

About us

Clustermanagement automotiveland.nrw

Wir stärken gemeinsam mit unseren Mitgliedern die Automobilindustrie in Nordrhein-Westfalen auf dem Weg zur automatisierten und elektrifizierten Mobilität.

Wir reden nicht mehr über Fahrzeuge, wir entwickeln gemeinsam Mobilität. Um neues Denken zu ermöglichen, brauchen wir hierbei die Verknüpfung verschiedener Perspektiven auf das gleiche Thema.

We are the strong voice of the mobility industry in state, federal and international politics, helping to shape sustainable policy and regulation.

What we offer

Our topics

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0 +

Years experience in consulting

$ 0 m +

In pure profits for our clients

0 +

Completed projects this year

0 %

Positive reviews from our clients

What we stand for

Innovation, Platform, Network

Innovation Network for Mobility

We connect companies, research and politics in key areas such as electromobility, autonomous driving and artificial intelligence in order to shape the future of mobility together.

Collaborative Platform for Research and Development

Our expert groups bring together companies, universities and research institutes to develop innovative solutions and drive technological progress.

Present and Innovative in the World of tomorrow

We are actively represented at events, trade fairs and congresses to identify and exploit opportunities for our members in future markets worldwide.

What we offer

Our topics


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Team Work

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Autonomous driving and smart mobility

Skilled workers: training and qualification

Internationalization and foreign trade

Supply and value chains

New drive systems BEV + FCEV

Regulatory framework

What we offer

Our Fields of Activity


Networking and dialog

We connect companies, research and politics on the central topics of future mobility.

Trend analysis and industry monitoring

We analyze international transformation trends and commission studies.

Expert groups on industry relevant topics

We organize work group meetings and thematic workshops


Event organization

We are present at events, trade fairs and congresses.

Dialogs with politicians

We represent the interests of the supplier industry in discussions with political decision makers.

Project development

We shape the transformation through projects.

Our Team

The Executive Board

Stephan A. Vogelskamp

CEO | automotiveland.nrw

Monika Kocks

CEO | wkw. Akademie

Andre Tünkers

CEO | Tünkers Maschinenbau

Havva Elgay-Lecht

Mitgliederbetreuung | automotiveland.nrw

Our Team

Further Contacts

Petra Rupprecht

Network manager Competence Network at automotiveland.nrw

Hanno Rademacher

Project Manager (cH2ance)

Anne Gebuhr

Project Manager (TRAIBER.NRW)

Hans Releff Riege

Projektleiter (TRAIBER.NRW)

Cedric Scherer

Student Assistant

Uwe Fritsch

Head of Member Support

Moritz Mutz-Seefried

Student Assistant

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